Challenges and concerns regarding the status of pregnant women in Afghanistan
Challenges and concerns regarding the status of pregnant women in Afghanistan

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has reported that one-third of the women in Afghanistan give birth outside of healthcare facilities, and throughout the country, only 67 percent of deliveries are attended by a skilled health professional.

In its report, the organization has deemed the situation of women under such circumstances concerning, asserting that pregnant mothers should, at a minimum, consult a skilled doctor four times before childbirth; however, only one-third of women in Afghanistan adhere to this recommendation.

The occurrence of childbirth for pregnant women outside healthcare facilities in Afghanistan is a matter that urgently requires attention and thorough examination. In this analysis, we will explore the challenges, issues, and repercussions associated with giving birth under such conditions.

The definition and current status of childbirth outside healthcare facilities refers to deliveries occurring in locations other than hospitals or health clinics. In numerous regions of Afghanistan, particularly in remote areas and villages, women are compelled to give birth at home or in unofficial settings due to various factors, including a lack of healthcare facilities, considerable distances to medical centers, and inadequate access to health services.

Lack of access to healthcare: Numerous pregnant women in remote areas are required to traverse considerable distances to reach healthcare facilities, a situation that can endanger both the mother’s and the infant’s life during childbirth.

Shortage of healthcare centers: Many villages lack adequate health facilities, compelling pregnant women to give birth under perilous conditions.

Absence of education and awareness: In many regions of Afghanistan, women may face serious risks due to the scarcity of information and education regarding childbirth and prenatal and postnatal care.

Shortage of trained personnel: Numerous women find themselves delivering in unsafe conditions due to a lack of access to midwives and experienced doctors. In some areas, the idea of childbirth in hospitals or healthcare centers is frowned upon due to cultural and social beliefs, particularly among husbands, leading women to opt for home births.

Consequences of unsafe childbirth that elevate the risk of mortality: Delivering in unsanitary conditions and without medical supervision can result in severe complications, including the death of both the mother and the infant. Furthermore, inadequate access to healthcare can lead to infections and other complications that jeopardize the lives of both mother and child.

In many regions of Afghanistan, the status of pregnant women is critically alarming. A significant number of healthcare services, especially for women, have become severely restricted. Pregnant women, in need of prenatal care, face challenges such as a lack of medical facilities, an absence of female healthcare personnel, and limited access to essential medications.

This situation is further compounded by violence and social discrimination, which adversely affect the mental and physical well-being of pregnant women. Humanitarian and human rights organizations express profound concern for the plight of these women and are urging global community support to avert a humanitarian crisis in the country.

  • نویسنده : Afghanistan Women News Agency
  • منبع خبر : Afghanistan Women News Agency