Protest by Currency Exchangers over the Closure of Their Shops in Herat
Protest by Currency Exchangers over the Closure of Their Shops in Herat

Following the shutdown of nearly one thousand currency exchange shops in Herat, a group of currency exchangers gathered in front of the provincial governor’s office to their grievances.

The number of these currency exchangers has reached dozens, and over the past two days, the Taliban have nearly one thousand currency exchange shops in the province due to their lack of licenses.

These exchangers assert that the Taliban informed them that to continue their operations, they must obtain a license from the central bank.

Meanwhile, several protesting currency exchangers express that the amount required to secure such a license exceeds their shop capital, rendering them unable to afford it. In light of the dire economic conditions, they fear they will be compelled to shutter their establishments and remain homebound.

  • نویسنده : Afghanistan Women News Agency
  • منبع خبر : Afghanistan Women News Agency