Women Should Lead Afghanistan
Women Should Lead Afghanistan

For hundreds of years men have failed the nation of Afghanistan. With that fact in place, it is any wonder why the nation fails to recognize the need for women leaders today. Going back to the First Anglo-Afghan War, a protracted civil war that began in 1816. Now again today, the Taliban have been raiding key points in the nation with no good direction or cause for their action. An attack again lead by men. The only way to truly begin rebuilding core institutions of the Afghan state is with leadership from women. With this essay, I will tell you why.

Al-Qaeda, ISIS or the Taliban are perfect examples of grown men behaving like immature children. They frantically wave weapons and make threats. Their biggest tantrums come out when they do not get their way. A demonstration has sadly shown with acts of violence that leads to many deaths of innocents due to their poor behavior and lack of modern maturity skills. That is not how leadership works.  These groups have no true goal beyond showing their ability to fight, strike terror and try to guide a nation with threats of violence. This continued circle of misbehavior is seen as the most negative possible way of getting attention. Each time these individuals form groups, they catch the eye of international neighbours who swoop in to spank these grown men that act like children. It is time for women to lead.

Here is why women should lead. In every culture around the world, women provide two vital roles. They are the first to teach and they are the first to feed their children. Boys and girls are treated with love and respect by women, who are now mothers. These children are a reflection of the people themselves and the legacy of a greater tomorrow. In no way do men not provide a vital role of guidance. It is women that do the majority of the teaching, guiding and leading in the lives of the youngest of children. Women’s nurturing roles are crucial.

Time and again we hear about women banned from medical treatment from men. Women losing out on education because of men. This all comes from the idea that it is in the name of zealous honor, be it religious, customs or morality skewed ideologies by these groups mentioned before.

Family, community and the entire Afghan nation knows that women are the corner stone of early beginnings. Just as women are the cycle of continued growth, education, nurturing for the family, they too are to be for the future of Afghanistan. With that clearly stated, let us look at the differences between private and public behavior for women, as they are significant.

While men take on the face front roles, it is men who also run home to lament the issues of the day to the women in their lives. It is women, who have the answers and listen with quite stoic knowledge as they have raised many children, both, boys and girls, who grow to become men and women. This being a fact, women have increasing importance in Afghanistan as they grow older. Should this not be enough proof that men need women to lead? Does honor at any level mean so much that pain and death must continue for a nation that has seen far too much of that very suffering? The short answer is no.

Women have learned far more from raising boys to men, and girls into women. It is time that the men start to listen and follow their wives, mothers and sisters in a positive way. Raise women into roles of political and community leadership. Learn to follow women, and Afghanistan will heal, rebuild and prosper like it has never before. Enemies will turn into family. Threats will become discussion and debate. Violence should fade into hugs of understanding or hands for holding in guidance. Women should lead.

[author title=” By : Richard, Gulshan and Zora” image=”http://www.signalprime.com”]signal prime[/author]