Women’s Protest Against the Organization of the Third Doha Conference on Afghanistan
Women’s Protest Against the Organization of the Third Doha Conference on Afghanistan

As the third Doha conference on Afghanistan approaches, some women deprived of their fundamental rights in Afghanistan under the Taliban regime are calling upon the United Nations to focus on the observance of the rights of Afghan women and girls by the Taliban government during this upcoming conference.

Reports indicate that women’s education and rights will be among the topics discussed at this conference, a subject the Taliban has claimed to have fully addressed within the framework of Islamic law over the past three years. However, women contend that they are deprived of their fundamental rights.

Mursal Rahimi, a girl who has been left out of education, says: “It has been nearly two years since we were kept away from schooling, and I do not feel well mentally. I urge the United Nations representative to discuss the removal of restrictions on women during the Doha conference.”

Sharmila, a student left behind in her education, expresses: “I have been preparing for the university entrance exam for two years, and unfortunately, I failed the exam. The university entrance exam is scheduled to be held in some provinces this year, but unfortunately, we cannot participate. It is rumoured that in the coming month, a conference will take place in Doha, and I kindly request the representatives participating in this conference to prioritize women’s rights.”

Some of the protesting women have also condemned the Taliban’s participation in the third Doha conference. These women urge the international community and the United Nations to support the women of Afghanistan instead of legitimizing the Taliban.

The third Doha conference is set to be hosted by the United Nations on 30th July and 1st August this year, where the inclusive government and the appointment of a UN special representative for Afghanistan are among the topics to be discussed.

  • نویسنده : Afghanistan Women News Agency
  • منبع خبر : Afghanistan Women News Agency