Finnish Minister: Afghan Girls Deserve Quality Education
Finnish Minister: Afghan Girls Deserve Quality Education
Sanigren-Lawsonen, the Minister of Social Security of Finland, stated in a meeting that children and girls in Afghanistan, like all girls in the world, deserve quality education.

Sanigren-Lawsonen, the Minister of Social Security of Finland, stated in a meeting that children and girls in Afghanistan, like all girls in the world, deserve quality education.

The Permanent Representation of Finland to the United Nations tweeted a message on Wednesday, March 13, in which it was mentioned that the Minister of Social Security of Finland had participated in the sixty-eighth session of the UN Women’s Executive Board and emphasized the right to education in Afghanistan separately. She highlighted the right to education as vital for the future of Afghan girls and stated that Afghan girls deserve quality education.

Moreover, some Afghan women’s rights activists also participated in this session, discussing and advocating for the current critical situation of women and girls in Afghanistan, calling for the attention and support of the global community towards Afghan women.

With the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, this group has imposed many restrictions on women and girls during their two-and-a-half years of rule, depriving women and girls of their right to education, study, social activities, economic participation, and presence in recreational and sports centres.

While, numerous human rights organizations, including the global community, have demanded that the Taliban revoke the order prohibiting girls’ education. However, this group has consistently failed to comply with the demands of women and the global community, violating the rights of women and girls in the country.

  • نویسنده : خبرگزاری زنان افغانستان
  • منبع خبر : خبرگزاری زنان افغانستان