HERAT, April 7 (Afghan Women’s News Agency) – A number of labor women in Herat province who are heads of their families are facing many challenges and economic problems and it is said that their number has increased compared to the past.
These women have been forced to work on the road from early morning to midnight for a variety of reasons, including losing their husbands or unemployment, such as peddlery and shoecleaning.
Jamila is one of the women who peddles on the side of the road, she says that the bad economic situation forced her to work on the side of the road and find the expenses of her family.
“My husband is unemployed and cannot work, my daughter is 5 years old and my son is 8 years old. At least for the sake of my two children, I have to work so that they don’t starve. Sometimes I don’t have any income and sometimes I find money to eat bread and that’s it.”
Zahra is another female worker in Herat who cleans shoes from morning to midnight and has been coming to Herat from Kabul for a year.
She says: “My husband lost his temper in a traffic accident. My daughter is 18 years old, she got married at the age of 16 and now she has a daughter and a son, and her husband was martyred some time ago because he was a soldier, and after his martyrdom, my daughter became crazy and the responsibility of her children is on my shoulders, and I have to work hard to prepare the needs of their lives. My heart is on fire from all these pains!”
Meanwhile, yesterday, an Iranian charity organization in Herat distributed aid to more than 400 needy families whose women are the heads of their families.
According to the officials of this foundation, most of the people who benefited from this assistance are those who are responsible for taking care of the needs of their families.
Women in Afghanistan have always faced various challenges; From family and social violence to restrictions on their right to education, work in offices and basic human rights. But now, a number of women who are heads of their families are in a bad economic situation due to the lack of breadwinners for the family, lack of work and source of income.