Taliban Kills a Man with Knife Blows in Samangan
Taliban Kills a Man with Knife Blows in Samangan
SAMANGAN, AFGHANISTAN - Local sources in Samangan province reported the killing of a man by Taliban fighters in this province.

SAMANGAN, AFGHANISTAN – Local sources in Samangan province reported the killing of a man by Taliban fighters in this province.

According to sources, individuals close to Mawlawi Jalal, the commander of a Taliban outpost in Samangan province, fatally stabbed a man.

Local sources informed the Afghan Women’s News Agency that the victim was named Miftah and was killed by the Taliban yesterday, Sanday, April 14th, in the first district of Mazar-e-Sharif city, Balkh province. Miftah was a shopkeeper in Aybak City, the centre of Samangan province, and had gone to Balkh province to buy goods.

The Taliban security command in Balkh stated in a newsletter that this man had entered a house with the intention of adultery and as a result of a confrontation with Taliban fighters, he was killed.

The newsletter added that as a result of this confrontation, a Taliban member was also injured.

However, local sources claim that individuals close to Mawlawi Jalal killed this man due to personal enmity.

With the resurgence of the Taliban group in the country, hundreds of Afghan citizens have been killed for unclear reasons. Additionally, in the past two and a half years, mysterious killings, abductions, and suicides have seen an unprecedented rise.

  • نویسنده : Afghanistan Women News Agency
  • منبع خبر : Afghanistan Women News Agency