Allocation of a $6.9 Million Aid Package from Japan to Afghanistan
Allocation of a $6.9 Million Aid Package from Japan to Afghanistan
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has announced that Japan is set to provide $6.9 million to support vaccination services in Afghanistan.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has announced that Japan is set to provide $6.9 million to support vaccination services in Afghanistan.

UNICEF stated in a press release on Tuesday that this assistance will be provided in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which will facilitate the procurement of vaccines and vaccination equipment.

Furthermore, the statement mentions that 4.1 million children and women will receive routine vaccination services to protect against various diseases such as measles, tuberculosis, polio, hepatitis, and tetanus.

Additionally, 4.7 million children will be vaccinated against polio through national vaccination campaigns.

Kormaya Takayoshi, the Japanese Ambassador to Afghanistan, stated: “The resurgence of diseases serves as a reminder of the importance of vaccination. We are committed to supporting regular vaccination programs for children and women in Afghanistan. We will continue our support for expanding access to vaccination campaigns.”

According to UNICEF, Afghanistan is one of the two countries in the world where polio still exists, and in 2023, cases of childhood paralysis (polio) resurfaced.

  • نویسنده : Afghanistan Women News Agency
  • منبع خبر : Afghanistan Women News Agency