Sahra Kareemi: “I impart the art of scriptwriting to the girls deprived of education”
Sahra Kareemi: “I impart the art of scriptwriting to the girls deprived of education”
Sahra Kareemi, the former head of Afghan Film in the previous government, has stated that he teaches scriptwriting online to girls deprived of education in Kabul.

Sahra Kareemi, the former head of Afghan Film in the previous government, has stated that he teaches scriptwriting online to girls deprived of education in Kabul.

Sahra Kareemi, on Tuesday, May 21, wrote on her X social media page that he has been engaged in teaching scriptwriting to underprivileged girls in Afghanistan for almost two years.

Ms. Kareemi has stated: “In addition to teaching scriptwriting, I also impart the culture of reading. I am not merely a teacher, but the true teachers are the girls who, in challenging circumstances, have shown patience and perseverance under limitations, from whom I learn patience, perseverance, and resilience.”

“The girls of Afghanistan are resilient and strong-willed, continuously seeking knowledge and education in difficult and sensitive situations. It is a great honor for me to stand by their side,” Ms. Kareemi said.

Ms. Kareemi is a prominent filmmaker in Afghanistan and the first woman to be elected as the head of Afghan Film in the previous government.

It is worth mentioning that with the return of the Taliban to power, it has been nearly three years since girls in Afghanistan have been deprived of the right to education. They are even prohibited from travelling without a family member male escort.

  • نویسنده : Afghanistan Women News Agency
  • منبع خبر : Afghanistan Women News Agency