Simultaneous Women’s Protest with the Oslo Conference on Afghanistan
Simultaneous Women’s Protest with the Oslo Conference on Afghanistan
Simultaneously with the reports of the convening of a pro-Taliban supporters' conference in Oslo, Norway, three activists in the field of women's rights protested.

Simultaneously with the reports of the convening of a pro-Taliban supporters’ conference in Oslo, Norway, three activists in the field of women’s rights protested. They emphasized that Norway and other countries around the world should not provide a platform for legitimizing the Taliban to support the women of Afghanistan.

This two-day conference, held on Tuesday, was hosted by the Human Rights Research Association in Oslo.

Meanwhile, Richard Bennett, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Afghanistan, has viewed his meeting with Afghan women, civil society members, and some political activists in Norway as positive.

The Human Rights Research Association also wrote in a note on its X page that Mr. Bennett and some Afghans residing in Norway and civil society activists discussed women’s rights and accountability processes regarding human rights violations at this conference.

However, some women and girls deprived of education and work rights in Afghanistan say that holding such conferences will only yield results when based on concrete actions and do not merely serve as symbolic gestures, as in the past.

It is said that the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited some Taliban members for talks in this country. Nonetheless, human rights activists have warned that they will continue their protests until the Norwegian government withdraws its invitation to the Taliban.

  • نویسنده : Afghanistan Women News Agency
  • منبع خبر : Afghanistan Women News Agency