Taliban Ranger Car Crushes Two Individuals
Taliban Ranger Car Crushes Two Individuals
Local sources in Konar province reported that a Taliban ranger car in this province ran over two individuals riding a motorcycle.

Local sources in Konar province reported that a Taliban ranger car in this province ran over two individuals riding a motorcycle.

Sources indicate that this incident took place on Monday afternoon in the Narang district in Konar province, resulting in the death of a man and his young son.

Sources added that a woman passing by the roadside was also injured as a result of this event.

The Taliban group has confirmed the occurrence of this incident.

Citizens of the country claim that Taliban members do not adhere to traffic laws while driving.

In the past, in various parts of the country, several citizens have fallen victim to the excessive speeding of Taliban vehicles.

  • نویسنده : Afghanistan Women News Agency
  • منبع خبر : Afghanistan Women News Agency