The Situation of Women After the Imposition of Restrictive Laws in Afghanistan
The Situation of Women After the Imposition of Restrictive Laws in Afghanistan
Following the imposition of restrictive laws against women and girls in Afghanistan over the past two years, a significant number of girls have been left behind in terms of education, employment, and social activities, leading to the confinement of many educated and employed girls to their homes.

Following the imposition of restrictive laws against women and girls in Afghanistan over the past two years, a significant number of girls have been left behind in terms of education, employment, and social activities, leading to the confinement of many educated and employed girls to their homes.

With the fall of the republic system and the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the employment status of women in the country has also been affected. During their previous rule, the Taliban imposed numerous restrictions on women, denying them access to education and various professions.

Somaia Mohammadi (pseudonym) is a young woman who, despite enduring economic and cultural challenges, completed her education and started working at a media outlet. However, after the fall of the government, she was forced to leave her job. She says, “I am a girl from one of the villages in Herat, the only girl in our family and relatives who pursued journalism. I fought against many obstacles day and night to achieve the position I always dreamed of. Now, due to the significant constraints, the biggest being poverty and the closure of schools and universities, I am forced to stay home.”

The majority of working women are those who are the breadwinners of their families, and those who have lost their jobs say they are struggling with their day-to-day problems and are worried about the upcoming winter.

Shakila Sarwari, who worked as an executive manager in a government office, has also become unemployed due to the restrictions imposed on women.

“A portion of the household expenses relied on me, and I had to work. But after losing my job, we faced significant economic challenges because my husband is the sole earner, and the money he earns is not sufficient for household expenses,” Shakila said.

Women in Afghanistan have always faced numerous challenges. Over the years, due to sanctions and human rights restrictions, especially in the fields of education and employment, these women have encountered serious problems. Nevertheless, Afghan women continue to strive for their rights and active participation in society.

  • نویسنده : Afghanistan Women News Agency
  • منبع خبر : Afghanistan Women News Agency