Women’s protest against the Taliban in Helmand and Samangan provinces
Women’s protest against the Taliban in Helmand and Samangan provinces

The members of the spontaneous movement of Afghan women fighters in Helmand and Samangan provinces protested against the Taliban and demanded bread, work and freedom for women. On the eve of the one year anniversary of the fall of the country to the Taliban, these women gathered in a closed place and announced their opposition to the restriction and exclusion of women by the Taliban. The protesting women of Helmand showed the placards and chanted the slogans “Death to terrorists” and “Taliban is not our representative, we want freedom”.

The women of Samangan Province addressed the Taliban and said: “Education is our absolute right, you, the Taliban, cannot take it away from us.” and “don’t close the school gate, I’m going to find a way to reform you.”

In another part of this protest gathering, the protesting women of Helmand and Samangan provinces demanded education and progress of women and chanted the slogan of “bread, work and freedom” for women.

On the eve of the one-year anniversary of the fall of the country to the Taliban, a number of protesting women from Helmand, Samangan and other provinces of the country also joined the ranks of protest movements against the Taliban and demanded bread, work and freedom for women.

Afghan Women’s News Agency