Regarding the Reduction of Rights and Economic Challenges Faced by Female Teachers in Afghanistan
Several female educators have their concerns in response to a letter issued by the Ministry of Education under the Taliban, which was disseminated to schools in Kabul and several other provinces.
From Reducing Salaries to Concerns about Increasing Economic Difficulties for Female Teachers in Afghanistan
Following the announcement by the Public Administration Office of Afghanistan that, under the decree of Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, the leader of the Taliban, the salary of all female employees will reach 5,000, some female teachers have voiced their reactions to this issue, stating that with this amount of salary, they cannot even meet their daily needs.
Budget Approval Without Transparency in the Third Month of the Fiscal Year
As the third month of the fiscal year has commenced in Afghanistan, the Taliban group has finally been able to announce the news of the current year's budget.
Unemployment and Economic Hardships Faced by Women in Badghis
Women in Badghis province are confronted with numerous challenges in terms of employment and social activities.
Story of Breadwinning Women; Low Wages, Heavy Workload
Following the events of August 15, 2021, in Afghanistan, where the Taliban seized all power in the country and deprived women of all activities at the national level, even women are unable to participate in social activities.
Youth Throws Himself into a Well due to Poverty and Hunger
AFGHANISTAN - Local sources in Nangarhar province have reported the suicide of a young man in this province.
Woman Commits Suicide Due to Starvation in Nangarhar Province
Local sources reported the suicide of a woman in Nangarhar province.