The account of Manizha Sediqi, a female prisoner of the Taliban, exemplifies the daily struggles of women in Afghanistan The account of Manizha Sediqi, a female prisoner of the Taliban, exemplifies the daily struggles of women in Afghanistan
2024 Exceptional Woman of Peace Award Bestowed Upon Humaira Saqib Humaira Saqib Wins The 2024 Exceptional Woman of Peace Award
Purple Saturdays Movement: The Prohibition of Education for Afghan Girls Constitutes a Crime Against Humanity Purple Saturdays Movement: The Prohibition of Education for Afghan Girls Constitutes a Crime Against Humanity
Women’s Rights Activists: “The Situation of Afghan Women Is More Tragic Than Portrayed in the Media”
Some women's rights activists and movements advocating for women in Afghanistan claim that the statistics of women falling victim to Taliban violence are far greater than what has been reported by the US Department of State.
945 Days Passing Since the Deprivation of Girls from the Right to Education in Afghanistan
With the return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan, the gates of schools have been closed to girls above the sixth grade.
Recent Protest Movement “Girls of Kabul” Performs Folkloric Anthem
Due to the ongoing restrictions against girls and women by the Taliban, a group of women and girls in Kabul have recently initiated a protest movement under the name "Girls of Kabul." In reaction to the pressures imposed by the Taliban on women, they perform protest songs against the ruling group.
Kozovo Presidential Medal of Courage Bestowed upon the Afghan Women Protesters
This year, the Presidential Medal of Courage of Kosovo was awarded to Afghan women in a ceremony titled "International Women's Assembly for Peace and Security."
Purple Saturdays Movement’s Statement in Response to the Recent Remarks of the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the US Congress
The Purple Saturdays Movement, in welcoming the recent remarks of the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the United States Congress, has once again emphasized that the Taliban, through the use of the US's weekly humanitarian aid of $40 million, have suppressed the people of Afghanistan, especially women, and strengthened terrorism and terrorist ideologies, establishing hundreds of jihadist schools to enhance suicide units and expand their cross-border operations.
Economic Challenges Faced by Female Breadwinners on the Eve of Eid al-Fitr in Ghor Province
Some women in Ghor province, who are the heads of their households, say that due to economic hardships, they have faced many difficulties during the Ramadan month, and now due to the high prices in the markets and the limited income they earn through labour, they cannot afford to prepare for Eid.
Closure of Educational Centres Due to Enrolling Girls Above the Sixth Grade in Kabul
KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - Several private educational centres in Kabul city have been closed due to the enrollment of female students above the sixth grade.
From Restrictions on Women’s Work to a Decrease in Humanitarian Aid in Afghanistan
Following restrictions on women's work in Afghanistan, a significant number of them have become unemployed, and some relief
Position Statement of the Women’s Media Advocacy Group Regarding the Human Rights Situation of Women in Afghanistan
We, the Women's Media Advocacy Group, express our concern about the enduring and alarming situation faced by women under the rule of the Taliban.
Public Flogging of Five Individuals by the Taliban in Kandahar
Reports from local sources in Kandahar province indicate the public flogging of five individuals by the Taliban in this province.