The Death of a Pregnant Woman in Herat; Lack of Medical Facilities Claims the Lives of Mothers The Death of a Pregnant Woman in Herat; Lack of Medical Facilities Claims the Lives of Mothers
1,149 Days of Forced Confinement and an Uncertain Future for Afghan Girls Under the Shadow of the Taliban 1,149 Days of Forced Confinement and an Uncertain Future for Afghan Girls Under the Shadow of the Taliban
Taliban's Two-Month Deadline for Television Broadcasters in Afghanistan Taliban’s Two-Month Deadline for Television Broadcasters in Afghanistan
Six Individuals Arrested in Kabul for Illicit Relations
The Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice of the Taliban has reported the arrest of six individuals in Kabul on charges of illicit relations.
In the past 37 months, 118 restrictions on women have been documented
The United States Institute of Peace has published a report highlighting 118 decrees issued by the Taliban, aimed at imposing limitations on women's education, employment, sports, and other social freedoms.
The Teacher’s Day Celebrated in Fear and Apprehension
On October 4th, Teacher Day is commemorated annually across the country. A group of female students and women teachers in Kabul discreetly observed this day. Despite the Taliban's prohibition of the celebration and the group's leader deeming it un-Islamic, the occasion was honored and acknowledged in several private schools within the city of Kabul.
Challenges and concerns regarding the status of pregnant women in Afghanistan
The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has reported that one-third of the women in Afghanistan give birth outside of healthcare facilities, and throughout the country, only 67 percent of deliveries are attended by a skilled health professional.
Constraints and Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs in Afghanistan
Afghanistan, a nation with a rich history and diverse culture, has encountered numerous challenges in recent years. Among the most significant and evident of these challenges is the plight of women in the realms of trade and business.
Coalition of Afghan Women’s Protest Movements: We Support the Proposal to Bring the Taliban to the Hague Court
Many protesting women, members of the coalition of Afghan women's protest movements, have welcomed the initiative by four countries to bring the Taliban before the court for their violations of the fundamental rights of women and girls in Afghanistan, a step supported by 26 countries.
Taliban Publicly Whips a Woman with Thirty Lashes
The Taliban's Supreme Court has announced that a woman was whipped in public in Faryab province. The court imposed thirty lashes on her for alleged immoral relations and fleeing her home, in addition to sentencing her to six months of suspended imprisonment. The whipping sentence was carried out on Sunday, by the ruling of the criminal division of the provincial court of Faryab.
Taliban Publicly Whips a Woman with Thirty Lashes
The Taliban's Supreme Court has announced that a woman was whipped in public in Faryab province. The court imposed thirty lashes on her for alleged immoral relations and fleeing her home, in addition to sentencing her to six months of suspended imprisonment. The whipping sentence was carried out on Sunday, by the ruling of the criminal division of the provincial court of Faryab.
Unemployment and Economic Hardship Faced by Women Teachers in Badghis
With the closure of girls' schools in Badghis province, several female teachers who have lost their positions are now confronting severe economic difficulties.
Purple Saturdays Movement: Afghan Women Must Participate in International Conferences
Several members of the Purple Saturdays Movement criticized the international community and called for the inclusion of Afghan women and girls in international conferences.