| Saturday, 27 July , 2024

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  • A University Professor in Kabul Arrested 23 Jul 2024

    A University Professor in Kabul Arrested
    A University Professor in Kabul Arrested

    Local sources have reported the arrest of Mohammad Anwar Panahi, a university professor, by the Taliban's intelligence service. 

Concerns Regarding the Arrest of a Media Activist in the Country 23 Jul 2024

Concerns Regarding the Arrest of a Media Activist in the Country Concerns Regarding the Arrest of a Media Activist in the Country

The Decline of Youth Interest in University Entrance Examinations 23 Jul 2024

The Decline of Youth Interest in University Entrance Examinations With the gender-specific focus of the higher education system and evaluation of teaching methodologies, fewer boys are inclined to participate in university entrance examinations. A cursory glance at the statistics of candidates for the entrance exam reveals a notable decline in participation since the return of the Taliban to power. In addition to the denial of educational rights for girls, the restrictions on the individual freedoms of boys and the mass exodus of university faculty have collectively contributed to a diminished interest among young males in taking the entrance examination. The lack of engagement with global academic institutions and the absence of influential figures as educators within the country's universities have severely diminished the educational standards in these academic establishments. Currently, these universities could be characterized as centers for indoctrinating youth through the promotion of ideological programs synonymous with the regime. Overall, it can be stated that Afghanistan’s universities, like other sectors, have suffered significant quantitative and qualitative setbacks over the past three years, leading to a disheartening climate for the new generation. While women have been barred from attending university when considering the educational methodologies employed—which often promote extremism and violence—keeping women away from such institutions may effectively mitigate the psychological warfare propagated by the Taliban. Over the past three years, the Taliban's focus on education has been confined solely to the expansion of religious schools, with many facilities, including several university dormitories, transformed into such institutions. These schools have largely become breeding grounds for new recruits for the Taliban. The announcement of university entrance examination results can be aptly described as a celebration for boys and a day marked by tears for girls, as the exam has devolved into a battleground for male rivalry. Ultimately, it can be concluded that the policies of the ruling group in Afghanistan have led to a diminished presence of youth in this examination. Unless the authorities express a willingness to reassess their examination methods, reform the educational system, lift restrictions on the individual freedoms of boys, and recognize the of girls in the examination, this unfortunate trend—its most profound by the nation's youth—will persist. The Decline of Youth Interest in University Entrance Examinations

From the Announcement of the Entrance Exam Results to the Reg Over Girls’ Participation in the Examination 22 Jul 2024

From the Announcement of the Entrance Exam Results to the Reg Over Girls’ Participation in the Examination From the Announcement of the Entrance Exam Results to the Reg Over Girls’ Participation in the Examination

Deprivation of Girls’ Education Under the Rule of the Taliban for a Thousand Days 13 Jun 2024
Deprivation of Girls' Education Under the Rule of the Taliban for a Thousand Days

Deprivation of Girls’ Education Under the Rule of the Taliban for a Thousand Days

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has expressed concern over the one-thousandth day of girls' schools being blocked above the sixth grade by the Taliban group. They emphasized that children's rights, especially those of girls, cannot be compromised for political reasons. They also described the one-thousandth day of the girls' education ban as "disturbing and worrisome".

Recruitment of Female Teachers in Ghazni Province Suspended until Further Notice 13 Jun 2024
Local sources in Ghazni province have reported the suspension of the recruitment of female teachers in girls' schools by the Taliban group in this province.

Recruitment of Female Teachers in Ghazni Province Suspended until Further Notice

Local sources in Ghazni province have reported the suspension of the recruitment of female teachers in girls' schools by the Taliban group in this province.

From the Rise of Economic Hardships to the Reduction of Salaries for Female Employees to 70 USD 13 Jun 2024
From the Rise of Economic Hardships to the Reduction of Salaries for Female Employees to 70 USD

From the Rise of Economic Hardships to the Reduction of Salaries for Female Employees to 70 USD

Following the issuance of the written directive by the General Administration of Taliban Affairs,

Cash assistance for flood victims in Badakhshan 12 Jun 2024
Cash assistance for flood victims in Badakhshan

Cash assistance for flood victims in Badakhshan

The International Organization for Migration has distributed cash assistance to more than a thousand families in the province of Badakhshan.

More than 70 decrees by Hibatullah Akhundzada regarding women    12 Jun 2024
More than 70 decrees by Hibatullah Akhundzada regarding women

More than 70 decrees by Hibatullah Akhundzada regarding women  

The United Nations Women's Organization has recently released a report stating that the leader of the Taliban has destroyed the efforts of women over the past 20 years by issuing more than 70 decrees in less than three years.

From Reducing Salaries to Concerns about Increasing Economic Difficulties for Female Teachers in Afghanistan 11 Jun 2024
From Reducing Salaries to Concerns about Increasing Economic Difficulties for Female Teachers in Afghanistan

From Reducing Salaries to Concerns about Increasing Economic Difficulties for Female Teachers in Afghanistan

Following the announcement by the Public Administration Office of Afghanistan that, under the decree of Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, the leader of the Taliban, the salary of all female employees will reach 5,000, some female teachers have voiced their reactions to this issue, stating that with this amount of salary, they cannot even meet their daily needs.

Protest by Individuals with Disabilities Regarding their Exclusion from the Doha Process 11 Jun 2024
Protest by Individuals with Disabilities Regarding their Exclusion from the Doha Process

Protest by Individuals with Disabilities Regarding their Exclusion from the Doha Process

Several disability rights activists criticized the indifference of the organizers of significant discussions on Afghanistan in a gathering.

Two Individuals Publicly Lashed by the Taliban in Panjshir 05 Jun 2024
Two Individuals Publicly Lashed by the Taliban in Panjshir

Two Individuals Publicly Lashed by the Taliban in Panjshir

The Supreme Court of the Taliban has announced the flogging of two individuals publicly on charges of illicit relationships and fleeing from home in Panjshir province.

Rina Amiri Titles the Third Doha Meeting as Significant for Women    05 Jun 2024
Rina Amiri Titles the Third Doha Meeting as Significant for Women

Rina Amiri Titles the Third Doha Meeting as Significant for Women  

Rina Amiri, the Special Representative of the United States for Afghan Women and Human Rights, has met and held discussions with representatives from France, Canada, Belgium, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. They emphasized the meaningful participation of Afghan women and civil society in the third Doha meeting.

Assistance Provided by the Avic Organization to Girls Deprived of Education 03 Jun 2024
Assistance Provided by the Avic Organization to Girls Deprived of Education

Assistance Provided by the Avic Organization to Girls Deprived of Education

Avic Charity Institution has distributed household items, sewing supplies, and embroidery materials to nearly 550 women and girls who have been deprived of education in Parwan province.

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